Matt's Bible Study Note

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From time to time, I come across a subject that truly intrigues me. It all started just after I graduated High School, while I was listening to Tommy Nelson, the pastor of Denton Bible Church, preach at Metro. He was preaching on the Fear of the Lord out of Acts 9:31. It was just a few weeks before I started my freshman semester at Dallas Baptist University (Yes, I know the actual date. You should always date your notes).

His sermon got me thinking about the Fear of the Lord. I knew that it was a big theme in the Bible and that it was mentioned all over the place, but I didn’t really know what it meant. I had always heard people say that it isn’t real fear, but it is more of a reverence and affection for God. As a scientist, I had a hard time reading “fear of the Lord” and thinking reverence, so I had to do some research. There had to be more to it than that!

So, I began what I now know to be an inductive study of Scripture. I looked for everything I could find about the Fear of the Lord. I wrote it all down on some note pages and began to organize it a little. To my surprise, I absolutely loved this. Many times, while I was in the pew on Sunday Mornings, I would completely tune out the Preacher and do my own study. Whenever I came across a verse on that subject, I added it to my list and categorized it.

It has been a little over 7 years and now I have several inductive studies going. The sad thing is, I’ve never actually finished the first one I started. I’m not sure it is really possible to find everything that the Bible has to say about the subject. I know I’d miss something, somewhere, if I tried (though I do think I have the overwhelming majority of them on the Fear of the Lord).

All that being said, I am going to be posting my notes on some of these subjects from time to time, so brace yourselves.

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Chick Chapters

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In high school, I began thinking of the type of girl I would like to marry someday. After some deliberation, I came to the conclusion that I had such high standards, that the kind of girl I wanted to marry would never date a guy like me. So, I began hunting through scripture in search for what I called “Chick Chapters.” The name is a little misleading. These are some of the passages that had special meaning to me while I was attempting to become the man that Rachel would want to marry. She would say that I am he. I think I still have work to do.

Chick Chapters

1 Cor 13

  • Do I truly Love her?

1 Peter 3:7

  • Do I treat her as a co-heir?
  • Do I treat her as a precious vessel? (Created by the master potter?)
  • Do I recognize her needs and weaknesses?
  • Am I trying to serve her or myself?
  • Can I do all of these things? (even if I don’t get them in return?)

Eph 5:25

  • 25: Do I agape her as Christ does the church? (see 1 Cor. 13)
  • 26: Do we cleanse one another with the washing of water by the word? (Or study God’s word together?)
  • 33: Do I give her the reason to respect me? Or do I sow the seeds of contempt in her heart for me?

Eph 5:23

  • Is our relationship a picture of Christ and the Church?
  • Do we point others to God through our relationship?

Matt 25:14-30 – Parable of talents:

  • If God puts me in charge of small things and I don’t do well…
  • If I’m not a good steward in the things I’m given now,
  • What makes me think that he will put me in charge of larger things?

Luke 16:10

  • Faithful in small things == Faithful in Big things
  • Unfaithful in small things == Unfaithful in Big things.

1 Sam 1:8

  • Love Self-Sacrificially.

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Cornell Notes Template

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I created I created Cornell Notes Template about a year ago. I’ve been using it and it works for me. I thought that somebody else might find it useful too, so I created I created Cornell Notes Template about a year ago. I’ve been using it and it works for me. I thought that somebody else might find it useful too, so it is. It is in format. Use it at your own risk.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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Daily GTD Template

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Here is my Here is my  template for GTD is an acronym for David Allen’s workflow and book, “Getting Things Done.” For those of you who haven’t yet seen the light, I have converted the file to that ubiquitous proprietary format. I make no claims as to the viability of either, especially the one in the proprietary format. They are both released under the Creative Commons License.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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