Free D-Now resources from Lifeway

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[]1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had []1 has published some free pdf’s you can use to help you plan your D-Now. You can get them here. I’ve had and in a binder for over a year now. I’ve been wanting to plan a D-Now.

I’m not sure how useful it will be as far as the timeline, but it does have lots of good logistical information. I think I will still make my own planning templates, though, while incorporating some of their time-honored principles.

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Lightning Fast Disciple Now Planning

I’m very excited about planning my first Disciple Now weekend, but I’m also an idiot for doing it in just over one month. We’re going to be having it November, which gives me five weeks to get everything in order. I’m going to keep you guys in the loop as far as the planning goes.

The first thing I plan to do is… Pray HARD.

The good news is that if we pull this weekend off, there will be no way that anyone can attribute its success to me or anyone else involved. We’ll only be able to give God the glory.

As I come up with documents and plans, I’ll share them and probably make some templates for OpenOffice, since I love templates so much. I’ve got somewhere around 5,000 templates on my hard drive… just in case I might need them someday. I’m a digital pack rat.

It reminds me of a sermon that John MacArthur once did called, “A jet tour through Revelation.” It was a double-sided cassette tape (yes, I’m that old… barely) in which he covered the entirety of the book of Revelation.

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Bailout Shmailout

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Dear House of Representatives,

Thank you for spending $3213.96 of my money (actually, $6427.92, since there are two adults in my household) because of stupid people spending more than they make ($700 Billion / 217.8 Million adults). Thanks for the largest redistribution of wealth in history (I make no claim as to the accuracy of that statement). Thanks for playing Robin Hood by giving hard earned middle class wages to the people who got us in this mess to begin with, many of whom should face trial for shady business practices.

You could have fixed this without spending my money.

I can’t stand your lack of regard for me, for the constitution, liberty, and capitalism.

Be American, not socialist. Stop spending my money for me.


Matt Horne, American Citizen and lover of the constitution.

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The answer to the current market crisis

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From Voddie Baucham’s “Truth in Love” blog:

The solution to the problem, of course, has nothing to do with what Congress has been trying to do. Here is a first approximation of what should be done: 1. repeal the CRA and Sarbanes-Oxley (including “mark-to-market” valuation rules), 2. dismantle the GSE’s, 3. exempt the securities (or underlying mortgages) that have been targeted in the “bailout” from all income and capital gains taxes (this will attract private equity investors to buy the assets, thereby establishing market valuations), and 4. investigate all government officials (elected and otherwise), non-profits, and private sector players involved in creating the mortgage crisis, and impeach, censure, and prosecute as the evidence indicates.

Click [From Voddie Baucham’s “Truth in Love” blog:

The solution to the problem, of course, has nothing to do with what Congress has been trying to do. Here is a first approximation of what should be done: 1. repeal the CRA and Sarbanes-Oxley (including “mark-to-market” valuation rules), 2. dismantle the GSE’s, 3. exempt the securities (or underlying mortgages) that have been targeted in the “bailout” from all income and capital gains taxes (this will attract private equity investors to buy the assets, thereby establishing market valuations), and 4. investigate all government officials (elected and otherwise), non-profits, and private sector players involved in creating the mortgage crisis, and impeach, censure, and prosecute as the evidence indicates.

Click]2 for the rest of his post.

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Walking in the Fear of the Lord

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Here are my (unfinished) notes on the Fear of the Lord. I reserve the right to update or re-post them at any time. If you know someplace I’ve missed, please let me know and I’ll add it. Thanks!

Walking in the Fear of God

Why walk in the Fear of the Lord?

  • It is a constant theme in the bible:

    • Fear of:

    • Gen 42:18

    • 1 Sam 11:7

    • 2 Chr 17:10

    • Job 28:28

    • Ps 19:9

    • Ps 34

    • Ps 111:10

    • Prov 1:7

    • Prov 8:13

    • Prov 9:10

    • Prov 10:27

    • Prov 14:27

    • Prov 15:16

    • Prov 15:33

    • Prov 19:23

    • Prov 22:4

    • Prov 22:4

    • Is. 11:2-3

    • Acts 9:31

    • (you) Fear the Lord:

    • Deut 6:2

    • Deut 10:12

    • Deut 31:12

    • Josh 24:14

    • 2 Kings 17:28

    • Ps 15:4

    • Ps 115:11

    • Prov 3:7

    • Jer 5:24

    • John 1:9

    • (many other places also)

  • Prominent Bible Figures Did:

    • Moses – Deut 10:

    • Noah – Heb 11 (emphasis on 11:7):

    • Egyptian / Jewish Midwives – Ex. 1:17:

    • People of Israel told to fear the Lord by Joshua – Josh 2:4:

    • Mary – Luke 1:

    • Many other people also

  • Gentiles told to fear – Rom 11:20:

  • Gentiles told to submit to one another in the Fear of the Lord – Eph 5:21:

  • Voice in heaven tells those who fear God to praise his name – ?:

  • Angel of the Lord camps around thos who fear God – Ps. 34:7:

  • Commanded to fear God –

    • Josh 24:14-24

    • Deut 10:20

    • Deut 13:4

    • Eccl 12:13

    • 1 Peter 2:17

  • To become wise – Prov 9:10:

  • Prolongs life – Prov 10:17:

  • It is a fountain of life – Prov 14:27

  • God Requires it – Deut 10:12

  • Because God is Holy – Rev. 15:14

What is it and What does it mean to Fear the Lord?

  • To hate evil – Prov 8:13

  • The instruction of wisdom – Prov 15:33

  • Fearing Nothing else:

    • Ps. 23:4

    • Is. 51:12-13

    • Num 14:9

  • It is a treasure to saints:

    • Prov 15:16

    • Is. 33:6

  • Fountain of Life – Prov 14:27

How do I Begin to Fear the Lord?

  • Take a lesson from previous heading, “What it means:”

    • hate evil

    • fear nothing else

  • Pray for God to change you – (no specific verse – common sense)

  • Seek God – Ps. 34:9-10

  • Listen to God’s word / Read God’s word – Deut. 31:12-13

    • If you don’t listen, how can you fear?

    • If you don’t fear God, how can you listen? (yay for circular logic!)

    • Surrender your all to God: heart, soul, mind, and strength

  • It is my opinion that the “Fear of the Lord” is actually just a manifestation of our Faith in Christ. I think that if you have faith, that the “Fear of the Lord” will be part of you, just like the fruit of the spirit.

Un-filed & Miscellaneous Notes:

  • Prov 2:3-5

    • Cry out for discernment

    • Lift up your voice for understanding

    • Seek her [wisdom] as silver

    • search for her as hidden treasures [wisdom]

Job 28:1-28

  • wisdom is the fear of the Lord

  • to turn from evil is understanding

  • Angel of the Lord (Christophany?) camps around those who Fear God – Ps. 34:7

  • Fear = seek? ps. 34:9-10

  • Fear God -> Lack nothing good

  • Fear of God = beginning of wisdom – Prov 9:10

    • wisdom hates pride and arrogance & the evil way & the perverse mouth

  • Fear of Lord prolongs days – prov 10:27

  • Fear of Lord leads to life – prov 19:23

  • How to learn fear of Lord – read the law – Deut 31:12-13

  • if you fear God – trust him

  • Can’t be wise in our own eyes – fear the Lord and depart from equil = healthy flesh & strong bones


  • Deut 5:29 – God desires our heart; our love – Deut 4:10

  • Deut 13:4 – You shall fear God, walk after, keep commands, obey voice

  • Deut 28:58-59 – observe law to Fear God – law tells how!

  • Josh 4:? – end of chapter – all done that all people on earth may know God

  • God creates it – Jer 32:39-40

  • Reading bible helps understanding fear of God – prov 2:2-5

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