Brave Saint Saturn is undeniably one of my favorite bands and as a tribute, I’ve posted my fan-art.

Brave Saint Saturn is undeniably one of my favorite bands and as a tribute, I’ve posted my fan-art.
Well, it is official. I won a book. I subscribe to a blog about marketing. The name is slightly vulgar, but it does have good information on it sometimes.
At any rate, I won the book “Tribes” by Seth Godin from Andy Sernovitz’ blog, “D*** I wish I’d thought of that: Unusually useful ideas for smart marketers.” I like to read things about marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, robotics, and general business, since I plan to open my own technology company someday soon.
I’m pretty excited about the book. Rachel has been wanting to read this book since she first heard about it a while back.
I desperately need a trunk monkey. I’m not sure where I’d keep him, though, since Ford didn’t think to put a trunk in my truck.
I’d like to take some random Saturday and dedicate it to a personal sermon retreat. I think it would be great to get out to Cedar Hill State Park or somewhere else nearby, like our deer lease, and spend the time in scripture. It would be such a great release from working in the data center, from youth group outings, and everything else that I could really come out feeling refreshed and invigorated with the gospel. Sometimes I just get in the planning and programming mode that I don’t spend enough time with God, which is the most important thing I can do. If I really want to make an impact on the world, I need to let God make an impact in my life. I need to submit more and stop trying to run everything like a madman.
I’ve gotta admit, I’m excited about the new Ubuntu Linux release. I’m biding my time until Intrepid Ibex, Ubuntu Linux 8.10 is released. I can’t wait! I might install the beta in the mean time.