Thoughts on Esther from Desiring God

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Desiring God has some interesting insights into the book of Esther today. Jon Bloom says, “One lesson from the book of Esther is that God can make excessive government intervention and very bad legislation serve his purposes and expand his kingdom.” It had not escaped me that God is still working in the world, especially with Romans 13:1 saying that God puts governments into place. I had never pulled that from the book of Esther, though, and it is so abundantly clear now.

Even through abuses of power, like our current radical leftist president and majority party in the legislature are in the habit of doing, God can do great things. Governments are just pawns in God’s hands as he judges the world and brings it closer to Jesus’ return. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

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My take on the H.264 vs Theora debate

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I know no one in particular really cares to hear what I think about the H.264 vs Ogg Theora debate, so I decided to post it so it can be seen instead.

The real problem I see with H.264 is licensing. Duh. H.264 is implemented using certain patents that I don’t care to research and link to. If you care to see the details, read this article on wikipedia. Suffice it to say that open source software using the H.264 codec might have to stop using the codec after December 31, 2015 because the patent owner might start charging for it. It’s that old “let’s give them their crack for free at first, but after they’re addicted, we’ll make them pay gobs of money” philosophy. It’s not the right way to make customers.

As I recall, MP3 had licensing issues and everything seems to have turned out okay. At one point, I converted to ogg vorbis, but it was short lived. I got an iPod and it couldn’t do vorbis. I can’t leave home without my iPod.

Open source junkies (not unlike myself) say that we should only use open source codecs and point to Ogg Theora as an alternative.

The problem I see with Ogg Theora is that it really just isn’t as good of a codec as H.264.

Another problem I see is the fact that if you code it, they won’t necessarily come. People follow the herd mentality way too much. We often overlook what is best in the long run to see what everyone else is doing.

Here’s my solution. I think we should get together and make Ogg Theora 2.0. Let’s make Ogg Theora actually worth something, not that it isn’t already. I would use it. I don’t know how to get the rest of the world to use it, though. We would likely have to get google’s buy in to use it on youtube. We would need a couple other big players to use it as well, so it would become a De facto standard (as H.264 is becoming and mp3 did before it).

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My Favorite Youth Ministry Site

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If you’re a youth pastor or youth worker, I think you should check out It is the BEST youth ministry site anywhere. You might be enticed to go to those prettier looking web pages with “premium” content you have to pay for, but they don’t have anywhere near the amount of good, free, and biblical content as It has the best games & object lessons. It even has a section of printable “new Christian” called the “Discipleship Guide” with some free “Welcome to the Family” pdf’s that are great for new Christians.

Thanks Jonathan & “The Source!”

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I received my FIF DVD Saturday. It’s amazing and hilarious. You need one. I’ve slowed down on my Brave Saint Saturn and returned to listening to Five Iron Frenzy once again. Five Iron was the best band Ever and I miss them.

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