My First GNUCash Problem

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I’ve been using I’ve been using to track my finances since about September of 2009 and I’m just now finding my first problem with it. I didn’t copy the data from my bank quickly enough when I first started, so I deleted it all and restarted in January. Since then, however, I’ve been updating it weekly since then.

Things I love about GnuCash:

1.) It reminds me of the accounting class I had in High School, which I rather enjoyed. Mrs. Huddleston taught us about our debits, credits, liabilities, and Equity and it made a whole lot of sense to me.

2.) Double-Entry accounting.

3.) Balance Sheet Report.

4.) Income Statement Report.

5.) Freedom! (think “Braveheart”)

6.) It’s freely available.

7.) GnuCash is cross platform. It runs on my mac, my linux pc’s, and my windows pc.

8.) [I’ve been using I’ve been using to track my finances since about September of 2009 and I’m just now finding my first problem with it. I didn’t copy the data from my bank quickly enough when I first started, so I deleted it all and restarted in January. Since then, however, I’ve been updating it weekly since then.

Things I love about GnuCash:

1.) It reminds me of the accounting class I had in High School, which I rather enjoyed. Mrs. Huddleston taught us about our debits, credits, liabilities, and Equity and it made a whole lot of sense to me.

2.) Double-Entry accounting.

3.) Balance Sheet Report.

4.) Income Statement Report.

5.) Freedom! (think “Braveheart”)

6.) It’s freely available.

7.) GnuCash is cross platform. It runs on my mac, my linux pc’s, and my windows pc.

8.)]7 seamlessly keeps my data current on all my machines – so no matter what computer I have, my [I’ve been using I’ve been using to track my finances since about September of 2009 and I’m just now finding my first problem with it. I didn’t copy the data from my bank quickly enough when I first started, so I deleted it all and restarted in January. Since then, however, I’ve been updating it weekly since then.

Things I love about GnuCash:

1.) It reminds me of the accounting class I had in High School, which I rather enjoyed. Mrs. Huddleston taught us about our debits, credits, liabilities, and Equity and it made a whole lot of sense to me.

2.) Double-Entry accounting.

3.) Balance Sheet Report.

4.) Income Statement Report.

5.) Freedom! (think “Braveheart”)

6.) It’s freely available.

7.) GnuCash is cross platform. It runs on my mac, my linux pc’s, and my windows pc.

8.) [I’ve been using I’ve been using to track my finances since about September of 2009 and I’m just now finding my first problem with it. I didn’t copy the data from my bank quickly enough when I first started, so I deleted it all and restarted in January. Since then, however, I’ve been updating it weekly since then.

Things I love about GnuCash:

1.) It reminds me of the accounting class I had in High School, which I rather enjoyed. Mrs. Huddleston taught us about our debits, credits, liabilities, and Equity and it made a whole lot of sense to me.

2.) Double-Entry accounting.

3.) Balance Sheet Report.

4.) Income Statement Report.

5.) Freedom! (think “Braveheart”)

6.) It’s freely available.

7.) GnuCash is cross platform. It runs on my mac, my linux pc’s, and my windows pc.

8.)]7 seamlessly keeps my data current on all my machines – so no matter what computer I have, my]1 is at hand.

The First Problem I’ve Had with GnuCash:

1.) It doesn’t have a “Loan Amortization Calculator” report thingy. I’d like to be able to click a button and have it project how much longer I’m going to have to pay my mortgage. I’m paying extra principal payments and I want to know how that will affect the length of my loan.

My Fix:

I don’t exactly have one yet. I could use a spreadsheet, but that’s not nearly as cool.


1.) Write my own report in scheme (will probably will happen).

2.) After I write my own report, create a GnuCash Report Repository web site (will probably not happen).

That is all. I still love GnuCash.

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I’m going to have to step up my game. I just learned that my Dad is reading my blog every week, so I need to make it better.

I haven’t been blogging enough. I’m writing articles, but I haven’t posted any recently. I’m trying to get the whole “Mega-Church IT on a Country Church Budget” series finished before I start to post it. I’ve also got some other tricks up my sleeve, so stay tuned.

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We’re running a hacked up version of TWiki. Lots of customers want WYSIWYG, some don’t. We enabled WYSIWYG.

The problem with that, though, is Internet Explorer doesn’t work with the WYSIWYG plugin due to some random hack that somebody did to the TWiki years ago. It works great in every other browser.

I spent way too much time trying to track down the error (i.e. more than 1 business day) to no avail. So, I just commented out the error message for expediency. I’ve got more important things to do.

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H.264 vs. Ogg Theora Again

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Well, it looks like google read my blog post (kidding). Seriously, though, it looks like they’re going to try to help Theora out by putting their money where my mouth is. Google is backing an effort to prepare an ARM optimized Ogg Theora codec. This is sweet. If it takes on, it will be the De facto standard, since most mobile devices run on ARM.

I found it OS News, a great site that I read daily.

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