Current Progress on 2009 Goals
Action Items for 2009 Goals:
- Write a novel in a month
- Pick a Month = November
- Figure out how many words to write per day = 1666.7 average per day
- How many pages per day is 1666.7 words per day? = Well, the 50,000 is supposed to be 175 pages, so 175 / 30 = 5.8, or 6 pages per day.
- Pick writing schedule (when to write every day)
- Buy mountain dew or tea or something…
- get lots of techno music on the iPod (upbeat and without words, so I can concentrate)
- Run a 5K
- Complete P90X
- Pick a 5K to run
- Get Rachel to make a training plan for me
- Complete P90X before Summer
- Pick day to start P90X
- Create daily workout habit
- Start P90X
- Read Bible Chronologically
- Bible Reading Plan on Google Docs
- Update Bible Reading Plan when done with a section
- Old Testament
- Pentateuch
- History
- Poetry
- Major Prophets
- Minor Prophets
- New Testamnet
- Gospels
- History
- Paul’s Letters
- General Letters
- Apokalupsis
- Emergency Fund to $6000
- $3436.21 to go…
- $3436.21 to go…
- Build Workbench in garage
- 50% Complete!
- Build Top half of workbench in Ernie’s Garage (Thanks Ernie!)
- Re-Measure the thing, just for fun.
- Bring the design document to Ernie’s House
- Assemble it when I get back home.
- Build 3 other woodworking projects
- End Grain two tone awesome looking cutting board
- Deck
- Pulpit
- Begin architecting house in the country
- Consolidate ideas we want in the house
- Look for land out in east texas
- Conceptualize 1 robot, with complete plans, ready to build prototypes by 12⁄31
- 2010 goal: Prototype 1 robot, Conceputalize another
- Finish LPIC1
- Sign up for test
- Buy mac with lots of memory
- Save more money
- $438.21 saved… ~$744.279175
- Learn a spoken language (not fluently, but tourist-conversational)
- Download podcast to ipod
- Start Seminary in the fall!!!
- Register for classes & pay money
- Start taking seminary classes on iPod, for fun, not for credit
- Youth Ministry
- Hebrews to Revelation (in progress)
- Apologetics & Outreach