2009 Goals
We only have a finite amount of time on the planet. How will you spend yours? This is my list of goals for 2009. All of them are easily possible, I think. In fact, I should have at least one of them complete by the end of this week (1/3/2009).
- Write a novel in a month www.nanowrimo.org
- Run a 5K
- Complete P90X before Summer
- Create daily workout habit
- Re-Create Daily Quiet Time Habit
- Save $5000
- Build Workbench in garage
- Build 3 other woodworking projects
- Begin architecting house in the country
- Look for land out in east texas
- Conceptualize 1 robot, with complete plans, ready to build prototypes by 12⁄3
2010 goal: Prototype 1 robot, Conceputalize another
Finish LPIC1
Buy mac with lots of memory
Learn a spoken language (not fluently, but tourist-conversational)
Start Seminary in the fall!!!
Read through the Bible in Chronological order