Lightning Fast Disciple Now Planning
I’m very excited about planning my first Disciple Now weekend, but I’m also an idiot for doing it in just over one month. We’re going to be having it November, which gives me five weeks to get everything in order. I’m going to keep you guys in the loop as far as the planning goes.
The first thing I plan to do is… Pray HARD.
The good news is that if we pull this weekend off, there will be no way that anyone can attribute its success to me or anyone else involved. We’ll only be able to give God the glory.
As I come up with documents and plans, I’ll share them and probably make some templates for OpenOffice, since I love templates so much. I’ve got somewhere around 5,000 templates on my hard drive… just in case I might need them someday. I’m a digital pack rat.
It reminds me of a sermon that John MacArthur once did called, “A jet tour through Revelation.” It was a double-sided cassette tape (yes, I’m that old… barely) in which he covered the entirety of the book of Revelation.